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This research project is designed to collect data about the diet of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to analyze how their diet may differ from those without this disease, and if these differences affect the development of autistic behavioral symptoms.

The purpose of the George Washington Financial Papers Project is to compile the financial documents of George Washington into an accessible digital edition.

  Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of highly porous, crystalline substances with many possible applications in areas such as gas separation, energy storage, catalysis, and sensing. In order to implement MOFs into such applications on an industrial scale, faster methods for their synthesis must be developed.

Toxoplasmosis, a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, affects about a third of Americans and can be harmful to people with immunodeficiencies. The parasite, Toxoplasma gondii has strange characteristics including its invasion of host, epithelial cells.

Parent-involvement is a verifiable predictor of academic success among primary school students (LeFevre & Shaw, 2011). And yet, Latino parents are less likely to reach out to teachers first because they find the U.S. education system to be daunting (Auerbach, 2004).

Large granular lymphocytic (LGL) leukemia is a rare hematological cancer characterized by a clonal expansion of either cytotoxic T cells or natural killer (NK) cells. These cells normally function to remove cancer cells and virally infected cells. However in LGLL, these cells are expanded even in the absence of known antigens.

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that can be found in humans and animals across the world. The disease caused by the infection of the parasite has the greatest effect on people with weakened immune systems and pregnant women.

This study is interested in how victims who forgive their transgressors are perceived. The researchers believe that forgivers are admired more when the observer themselves would have chosen to not forgive rather than to forgive.

Professor Walsh proposes a concept called opposition work, which operationalizes political participation and how the opposition is displayed across all fields. She explains this concept further with applications to real-world events and a way to separate the targets from the perpetrators.

Relationships are emotional connections between individuals who are unpredictable and vary dramatically from each other; yet some forms of service work require people to use their relationships to aid others.We define that work as "connective labor," and we investigate how workers get trained to systematically develop and deploy relationships in their jobs.

Shell middens are archaeological deposits that form when people eat large amounts of oysters and other shellfish. For the Native American communities that lived on the lower Delmarva Peninsula during the Late Woodland period, shell middens were often gathering places for ceremonial feasts.

Eating disorders vary from eating far too little to far too much. The cause may be genetic, such as a deficiency of the hormone leptin, which communicates satiety, or environmental, such as the omnipresence of fatty junk foods (i.e. pizza at 2 am).

Toxoplasma gondii (Toxo.) is a unicellular protozoan parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis. Although toxoplasmosis only shows symptoms in vulnerable patients, such as pregnant women and immunocompromised, over 40 million people are infected in the United States alone1. Studies have shown that calcium induces egress of Toxoplasma gondii in host cells2. Treating Toxo.

In the nineteenth century, leading public intellectuals like Alexis de Tocqueville of France, John Stuart Mill of Great Britain, and Senator Charles Sumner of the United States found the continued existence of slavery in the US unsettling. Tocqueville predicted a race war and lamented about the escalating violence in US politics over slavery.
