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Interdisciplinary Project in Marine Science and Statistics Discussion

Presenters Name: 
Kendall Hanks
Primary Research Mentor: 
Scott Doney
Secondary Research Mentor: 
South Meeting Room
Grant Program Recipient: 
USOAR Program

Under Professor Scott Doney, I am part of a group of undergraduate and graduate students in the Environmental Sciences Department who meet weekly with a group from the Statistics Department to analyze published research papers that combine the two subjects. We alternate which subject we discuss each week and one of the team members gives a presentation on a topic that was mentioned in the research papers. We do this so that everyone can have a clearer understanding of the material as some members of the team have different focuses and others have degrees in a completely different area of study. Most of the data at which we look is in the form of time-series data. We look at past research papers to examine the type of data that was measured by other groups of people and the methods they used. Our goal is to brainstorm an interdisciplinary project that uses the most accurate Statistics techniques so that we can best study and display marine data.