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Information For Students

The Undergraduate Research Symposium will take place on Friday, April 25, 2025.

Undergraduate students from all disciplines at UVA are invited to present their research and creative inquiry at this annual event. Students may use the abstract submission form to provide information about themselves, any co-presenters they are working with, their research mentor(s), and their project. 

Presenter Registration Process

Presenters must register by Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:59pm. Please read this page thoroughly and then register HERE.

For group presentations, the primary presenter should submit co-presenters’ information during the registration process. Only one abstract should be submitted for group presentations - please discuss your shared availability with each other before completing the Abstract Submission form.

Research Mentors

You will need to enter information about your primary research mentor. The primary research mentor is either a faculty member or postdoctoral researcher and does not have to be associated with UVA (e.g., you may be presenting your research you pursued elsewhere over the summer).You may enter a graduate student mentor as a secondary mentor if applicable.

Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Title: (15-word max): The title should clearly indicate the nature of the research performed. Describe your research in succinct terms, reflecting the contents of your abstract. Use keywords, and do not use abbreviations, acronyms, chemical formulas, or special characters.

Abstract Body: (250-word max)

  • Abstracts should address the purpose and motivation for the work to be presented, the methods/sources/media used, the primary findings/outcomes and conclusions, and a statement of significance of the research or creative work.  

  • Abstracts should be accessible to people who are not experts in the field which means it should avoid using jargon.

  • Abstracts should not include chemical formulas, figures, tables, or special characters; these are easily misrepresented as we work across platforms to publish information on the Symposium website.

NB: Your abstract and title will be published in the Symposium Schedule along with the names of your collaborator(s) (if applicable) and mentor(s). Therefore, you should only submit a high-quality abstract that has the approval of your faculty mentor.

Session Type

You may present your research as a poster, oral presentation, or as a performing, visual arts, or design presentation. If you intend to present a performing, visual arts, or design presentation, you should be prepared to clearly communicate how you intend to present your work (setup, perform, display, etc.).

Please make sure to read and understand the Presentation Format Details.

Have questions or want to learn more? Join us for a Preparing to Present at the Undergraduate Research Symposium session next spring (dates TBD).

Session Times

You will be asked to provide your availability for the day of the Symposium (Friday, April 25, 2025) when submitting your abstract. Your availability should include any, and all, times for your selected presentation type during which you are not attending classes - you will be asked to select at least two time slots to help ensure we are able to schedule all participants.

Faculty mentors are encouraged to attend their students’ presentations. Students should discuss their faculty mentor's availability as part of the preparation for the presentation titles and abstracts.

Presenters will be assigned their session type and time based on the information provided in their abstract submission; assignments will be sent via email by late March.

We strongly encourage students to share and practice their presentation with their mentor once drafted so they may provide input.

