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Studying the Role of CBP in the maintenance of Alveoli Lung Epithelium.

Presenters Name: 
Leilani Miranda
Primary Research Mentor: 
Kwon Park
Secondary Research Mentor: 
South Meeting Room
Grant Program Recipient: 
USOAR Program

The research goal seeks to understand how a gene functions in the maintenance of the lungs in adult mouse lines. The gene of interest is CBP, which plays a fundamental role in early embryonic development and tumor growth. This experiment attempts to broaden the understanding of how this gene regulates the homeostasis of the adult lung, particularly the maintenance of cells in lung alveoli which are sites that gas exchange occurs. The loss of CBP function is expected to have a negative effect on the structures in the lung and therefore reducing the respiratory function. In this experiment, the CBP gene in the alveolar epithelium of adult mouse lungs is deleted. Following the deletion of the gene the mice are observed for any physiological changes including breathing patterns over a period of time, the lung structure is analyzed using histology which displays microscopic structures of the lung to detect damage to the cells. The analysis is extended by conducting immunohistochemistry staining which allows the detection of markers of the CBP gene to determine its presence and importance in those structures. In the preliminary explorations, the different versions CBP gene was confirmed through process called genotyping. Given the presence or lack of the gene, can display the effect that CBP has on the organism which will be confirmed through the various techniques. The significance of this work to understand the role of the gene beyond development, and its implication in disease.