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Recipient Directory

Project Title Student Researchers Faculty Advisor Year Award Type
A Controlled Case Comparison of the Rice Theory of Culture Jing Shi and Thomas Talhelm Shigehiro Oishi 2014 Double Hoo Award
A Holistic Approach to Addressing Water Quality in El Corozo Gloria Burgoa, Kelsey Hunt, Samuel Robertson, Katelyn Ditzler, Kathryn Hendley Gloria Burgoa, Kelsey Hunt, Samuel Robertson, Katelyn Ditzler, Kathryn Hendley 2014 JPC Award
A Potential Therapeutic Target for the Management of Chronic Pain John Evans Slobodan Todorovic 2014 Harrison Award
A Year at the Academical Village: Poem Series Karsten Coates 2014 Kenan Fellowship Award
An Analysis of Congressional Voting Behavior on Alxheimer's Legislation Rachel Deitch and Andrew Clarke Jeffrey Jenkins 2014 Double Hoo Award
Analysis of Contact Angle Hysteresis on Nanoscale Textured Surfaces via Molecular Dynmaics Simulations Mitchell Slovin Michael Shirts 2014 Harrison Award
BNA exposure during prenatal development and masculizing effect on protein expression in AVP, TH and Calbindin Jessica Goldsby Emilie Rissman 2014 Harrison Award
Building Leadership Capacity Through Impact Analysis in Uganda and Rwanda Porter Nenon, Marisa Reddy, Lauren Jackson, Claire Councill, Mark Heneine Christine Mahoney 2014 JPC Award
Capacity-driven Evaluation of a Water Distribution System in Rosa Grande, Nicaragua Brittany Major, Wilson Ruotolo, Brendan Kelley, Angela Liu, Meghan Smith, Rujira Chaysiri Garrick Louis 2014 JPC Award
Characterization of microRNA-601 in Glioblastoma April Hyon Roger Abounader 2014 Harrison Award
Characterization of the Nkx2.2 positive cells in the Sciatic Nerve Perineurium and their Role in Axonal Development Ashley O'Keefe Sarah Kucenas 2014 Harrison Award
Collaborative Survey of Water Security in Rural Guatemala Lindsay Ardiff, Alice Burgess, Amy Wedmore, and Matthew Cafarella David Burt, Kent Wayland 2014 JPC Award
Community Building: Culviating Environmental Stewardship and Cross-Cultural Dialogue Through the Construction of a Community Center in Lhamo, China Christina Leas, Yutong Li, Maddy Brehaut, Katie Gronsky David Germano 2014 JPC Award
Constructing and evaluating an AAV9-based gene delivery system as a strategy for cardiac transdifferentiation through the direct reprogramming of fibroblasts Sarah Hansen Brent French 2014 Harrison Award
Cosmic Building Blocks: The First Systematic Study of Dwarf Galaxy Interactions Catherine Zucker and Sandra Liss Robert Johnson 2014 Double Hoo Award
Critical Periods of Visual Learning in Drosophila Larvae Zoe Slepian Barry Condron 2014 Harrison Award
Cultural Meanings of Microfinance: what microcredit lending means to BRAC female borrowers in Bujidanga Mundia, Bangladesh Daniel Ng Ira Bashkow 2014 Harrison Award
Designing Culturally-Competent Health IT for the US Latino Migrant Farmworker Population Alexis Chaet and Bijan Morshedi Rupa Valdez 2014 CBURG Award
Developing a Virus-Based System Capable of Delivering the CRISPR Components into Inner Ears Sibo Zhang Jung-Bum Shin 2014 Harrison Award
Development of a Blood Clot Removal Device for Interventional Stroke Care Brian Shin and Adam Dixon John Hossack 2014 Double Hoo Award
