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Undergraduates In The News

Student Nicole Penn
August 13, 2014

Nicole Penn is studying how Southern Catholics remained loyal to the higher mission of the church while still aligning their views with the Confederacy.

Student group eating pizza
July 24, 2014

Today more than ever, students are seeking to build their résumés while they’re still undergraduates – and the most crucial time to do so is during the summer months.

Catie Kitrinos among her blooming sunflowers
July 9, 2014

Call it the wonder plant – a flower that can either absorb toxic metals and radiation out of the soil or prevent most of them from entering its system and be safe to consume, depending on the variety.

Student group at ice cream social
June 17, 2014

Undergraduates enjoy their favorite topics and toppings at an ice cream social June 8 in the Clark Hall mural room that brought together students doing research on Grounds this summer.

arts awards winners collage
May 29, 2014

Five University of Virginia students have received grants from the University Award for Projects in the Arts program to support their creative efforts.

Cahterine Zucker with high resolution astronomy telescope
May 20, 2014

The University of Virginia has awarded six “Double-’Hoo” Research Grants, which fund pairings of undergraduate and graduate students who collaborate on research projects.

Student holds stack of library books
March 13, 2014
Proposals to examine ancient Greek sanctuaries in Turkey, sample the opinion of Taiwanese youth, study dissolved nitrogen mobility and research therapeutics for pain management are among the 39 summer research projects forwarded by University of Virginia undergraduate students that have received funding.
Grounds October

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